Department of Psychiatry, CGMH
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Chao-Chen Lin, MD., MS 
Lecture title: 
Antipsychotics Related Metabolic Syndrome
Nov. 26, 2006

Dr. Chao-Chen Lin
Attending Psychiatrist, NTUH
Lecturer, National Taiwan University
Founding President, Taiwan Association of Mental Health Informatics (TAMHI)
Chief Editor, PsyPark (the first and largest Chinese Mental Health Webside)
  • Dr. Lin gradulated from National Yang Ming College School of Medicine,  and obtained a M.S. degree in Medical Informatics from Taipei Medical University. Now, he is a PhD candidate of the same Department.
  • Dr. Lin is a pioneer of medical informatics.  Actually, he is the top one Taiwanese psychiatrist who is expert in psychiatric infomratics.  He leads a team working on psychiatric informatics, which is one of the most outstanding teams in the world.
  • He is also an expert in psychopharmacology and psychitric genetics.

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